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The Lotus Diagram

Spend between 1 and 2 lessons on this.

Submission: Feedback in-class + submitted at the end of the term in the "planning" section of the Folio.

Why a lotus diagram?

The lotus diagram is important because it is part of how you demonstrate that you have thought deeply about what you are interested in. This matters because once you have decided which topic you are interested in, you will be working on that same topic for the rest of the year. The lotus diagram will also be included in the planning section of your Folio.

The lotus diagram helps you work out what you have an interest in, but also how much you already know, (or don't know), about that interest.


If you are finding it difficult to fill up the squares surrounding a topic you have said you are interested in then that indicates you don't yet know a lot about that topic. This either means you need to dive into some initial research to help you understand the topic more, or that maybe you aren't as interested as you thought. 

You have two options in regards to using the Lotus diagram.

If you are undecided on a topic:

Then a 4 square lotus diagram can be used to help you think through four ideas you have for the Research Project. Please see the video below for more information.

Download the 4 square lotus here:

If you have already decided on a topic:

The one-topic lotus diagram is used if you have already decided on a topic for your Research Project and want to start thinking through the topic in more depth. Please see the video below for more information.

Download the single-topic lotus here:

Video explaining how-to use the Lotus diagram

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