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SACE capabilities

Submission: As part of Proposal

Spend one lesson + homework here. 

The SACE board designed the Research Project with some capabilities in mind that they wanted you to develop. 


You will need to take a look at them and choose TWO that you think are most relevant for your particular Research Project. 


There are 7 capabilities in total, and we have provided a list of them below,. We have also outlined how each capability could generally relate to the Research Project.

We ask that you download this list in the link below, and using a highlighter traffic light system, highlight how likely it is that each dot-point will relate to your Research Project. 


Once you can see visually which two capabilities are most aligned with your research project, it is time to write a paragraph discussing, in your own words, how you think this will be the case. You can find an example of this below the capabilities​​.

Download: list of capabilities

Literacy Capability

In Research Project B, students develop their capability for literacy by, for example:

  • communicating with a range of people in a variety of contexts

  • asking questions, expressing opinions, and taking different perspectives into account

  • using language with increasing awareness, clarity, accuracy, and suitability for a range of audiences, contexts, and purposes

  • accessing, analysing, and selecting appropriate primary and secondary sources

  • engaging with, and reflecting on, the ways in which texts are created for specific purposes and audiences

  • composing a range of texts — written, oral, visual, and multimodal

  • reading, viewing, writing, listening, and speaking, using a range of technologies

  • developing an understanding that different text types (e.g. website, speech, newspaper article, film, painting, data set, report, set of instructions, or interview) have their own distinctive stylistic features

  • acquiring an understanding of the relationships between literacy, language, and culture

This is a B level 2019 student example:

The Research Question was: "To what extent can investigating Australia’s evolving understandings of mental health help me create a resource that assists young Asian women with their understandings of mental health?"

"I have chosen to develop Critical and Creative Thinking and Intercultural Understanding capabilities for this research. This topic required a greater understanding about Asian and Western cultures therefore I need to ensured how to identify, observe, analyse and describe characteristics of their own cultural identities such as religious beliefs, and ways of thinking. Furthermore, there is variability things about recognising the culture such as cultural, linguistic and religious. This research topic requires myself to develop skills to relate and move between Asian and Western cultures. Over all, living in Australia which is a culturally diverse society that allows myself to negotiate, interpret and discuss media differences about mental health and meditation to understand from each cultures’ perspective. In addition, creative process of this topic allows me to think critically and logically to posing question while identifying and clarifying information and ideas. Furthermore, working with people for primary sources give myself chances to reflect on, adjust and explain their thinking and also identify the reason of choices."

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