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Question Refinement

Spend one lesson + homework on this

Submission: Submitted at the end of the term as part of the Proposal section of the Folio.

Topic Mindmap


Now that you have conducted some initial research, and thought more deeply on your topic, a topic mind-map is one way that you can demonstrate in your Folio that you have seriously considered your topic area in the lead up to finalising your research question.

A drawn mind-map can look really effective, but you can also make a really good one using the program Miro.

If you are any good at mind-mapping in another form, or if you would prefer to do this another way, then please feel free to explore that option.
Research Question refinement
Congratulations, you are now ready to construct, or refine your research question. Although your question could still change after this step, we would expect for most of you that any changes would be very minor, and for a lot of you this will remain your final research question for the year.
The minimum requirement for the research question refinement part of the Folio is the FINER process.


Are there a range of ways to research this? Can you do some primary research? Will you have the time to complete it?


Do you have passion for the topic? Will you stay interested? Will others find it interesting?


Can you find a new way to look at your topic? Can you make it unique?


Is it legal? Is it inoffensive? Does it keep you and others safe? (no harm)


Can you actually do a Research Project on it? Is it year 12 worthy? Is it something worthwhil

A video from Josh talking you through the process of initial question refinement

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Try re-writing your question with the following starter prompts and hypothesise about how each question stem would change the direction of a Research Project related to your topic: (This can be used as evidence in your planning pages)

1.  Can...

2. Is...

3. Are...

4. Do...

5. Should...

6. Why...

7. Which...

8. What...

The Prince Alfred College method:

In addition to the FINER, and the other methods used to refine the research question, the Research Project coordinator asks his students to answer the following questions:

1.  How are you being brave?

2. How are you being curious?

3. How does this add value to yours, or others, lives?

4. How can you get in-situ? 

5. Where is the risk in this?

Advanced thinking

Looking through these examples can give you terminology and clues for how you might critique and further refine your own research question.

x  What effect does social media have on people’s minds?

The first question is not feasible because it is not specific enough: what type of social media? Which people? What kind of effects? The second question defines its concepts more clearly. It is researchable through qualitative and quantitative data collection.

  What effect does daily use of Twitter have on the attention span of under-16s?

New resource:

This webpage has some great tips for those still searching for the appropriate research question:

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